Rebecca ❤ Edens ❤ Zero: A Love Story Rebecca and Edens had a chance encounter that changed their lives forever. It was like a magnetic force pulling them towards each other, and from that moment, their hearts became intertwined. Love at First Sight Their first meeting was electrifying. The spark in their eyes said it all – something magical was about to unfold. As they got to know each other, their connection deepened, and it became evident that they were meant to be together. A Journey Worth Taking Rebecca and Edens embarked on a breathtaking journey, experiencing the highs and lows side by side. Through every challenge and triumph, their love only grew stronger. They became each other's biggest support system and cheerleader. Zeroing In on Happiness With time, they discovered that their love had the power to conquer all obstacles. It was a love that knew no limits and defied all odds. They were the epitome of the saying "two hearts beating as one." Long walks on the beach Shared laughter and endless conversations Dancing under the moonlight Building dreams together Countless adventures Endless love letters Shared dreams Unbreakable bond The Power of Love Rebecca and Edens knew that their love story was like no other. Their hearts beat in perfect synchrony, creating a harmony that was impossible to ignore. Their journey was a testament to the power of love, proving that when two souls find each other, anything is possible – even the seemingly impossible. So if you believe in true love, let the story of Rebecca ❤ Edens ❤ Zero inspire you. It's a tale of love, devotion, and the unwavering power of the human heart. Rebecca ❤ Edens ❤ Zero She and he had a chance encounter that changed both of their lives forever. It was like a magnetic force pulling them towards each other, and from that moment, their hearts became intertwined. Love at First Sight Both of their first meeting was magical. The spark in each other's eyes said it all – something magical was about to unfold. As they got to know each other, their connection grew, and it became evident that they were destined together. A Journey Worth Taking They embarked on a breathtaking journey, experiencing the highs and lows side by side. In every challenge and triumph, the love between them only grew stronger. They became each other's biggest support system and cheerleader. Zeroing In on Happiness With time, they discovered that their bond had the power to conquer all obstacles. It was a love that knew no limits and defied all odds. They were the epitome of the saying "two hearts beating as one." Long walks on the beach Shared laughter and endless conversations Dancing under the moonlight Building dreams together Countless adventures Endless love letters Shared dreams Unbreakable bond The Power of Love They knew that their love story was like no other. Their souls beat in perfect synchrony, creating a harmony that was impossible to ignore. Their journey was a testament to the power of love, proving that true love always finds a way, anything is possible – even the seemingly impossible. So if you believe in true love, let the story of their extraordinary love inspire you. It's a tale of love, devotion, and the unwavering power of the human heart. Tandis que le Croque-Mitemps dévore le temps de la planète Guilst, Rebecca et ses amis s'enfuient à bord de l'Edens Zero. Shiki et Rebecca observent le monstre avec étonnement et Wise réalise qu'il s'est passé la même chose avec Norma. Homura de son côté se dit que c'est un être terrifiant et Pino espère que tout le monde a réussi. Rebecca est une jolie jeune fille blonde qui fait partie de la Bougie du Météore, une guilde d'aventuriers située sur la planète Blue Garden. Rebecca est, du haut de sa quinzaine d'années, une adolescente intègre et débrouillarde qui voyage à travers le cosmos afin de réaliser des vidéos pour le compte de sa chaîne privée, Aoeneko Channel. Toujours accompagnée de son fidèle acolyte, Happy le chat bleu, Rebecca a fait la connaissance de Shiki durant son périple sur la planète Grandbell.